20 Picture Books for Autistic Kids Who Love Space Themes
My wife and I took our 6-year-old twins, Harry and Luke, who have autism, to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum in Washington, DC last fall. Harry loved the space exhibits, and when
A collection of 8 posts
My wife and I took our 6-year-old twins, Harry and Luke, who have autism, to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum in Washington, DC last fall. Harry loved the space exhibits, and when
I remember scrutinizing the autism symptoms checklists in the months after my kids turned two. Somewhere on every one of those lists you would be sure to find turning over toy cars and
My 5-year-old autistic twins, like many people with autism, have some very specific, very intense strengths and interests. And I love this about them! Their passions bring them joy and provide all kinds
In the autism world, there is perhaps nothing more stock footage than a young child with an alphabet obsession. It's easy to understand why this happens; alphabet-theming is ubiquitous. Visuals, auditory
Restricted interests. Special interests. Passions. Obsessions. Whatever you call them, it can be challenging when a child with autism is fixated on something all day, every day, to the exclusion of anything (or
Tara Brescio, a longtime therapist on our ABA team, is a special education teacher, former librarian, and a new mom--the perfect trifecta for this blog. I sat down to get her take on